16 Mart 2008 Pazar

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(by J.S. Hacker) starts from a scene in Michael Moore's film 'Sicko' then to say that either abolishing all medical insurance companies or creating a national medical care program for all are too evocative. Clinton's failure in healthcare reform was cited as not caused by the industry lobbyists and right-wing nuts but due to a powerful tide at their backs — the public ambivalence, divided interests, and budgetary barriers created by our crazy quilt of health coverage. Hacker suggests to require employers either to provide their workers with good private coverage or to enroll them, at a modest cost, in a new public program modeled after Medicare. Employees can still enroll in private plans and employers are still able to implement their cost-controlled and quality-enhanced plans without bearing the burden of uncompensated charity care for the uninsured and underinsured. The public plan will get more enrollments hence leverage to bring down cost and provide basic public medical care. MWSearch is agreeing with the strategy of adopting a modest and easily explained and workable medical and healthcare reform rather than stressing an idealistic but difficult-to-get-consensus solution. We feel that rather than relying on political candidates to come up with an unrealizable vision or an all political water-down plan to get elected, it is time to urge public-based organizations to develop easily explained and workable plans to present to the public then demand political candidates (presidential, congress and state legislative elections) to endorse the grass-roots supported proposals during their campaign and thereafter. let the professionals teach the public and the politicians then endorsed into action plans.
Elizabeth Edwards and John Edwards Facing Difficult Decision under Tremendous Stress: MWSearch is sympathizing with the couple in dealing with their life challenge. To arrive at a difficult decision, one must resort to philosophy and faith. In the Western culture especially in the United States, people are 'taught' to be self-centered, me-first, family next, country second next and world last; and most religions are 'urged' not to give opinion on one's duty for the country in relation to other duties. Whereas in the Eastern culture especially traditional Chinese philosophy, far extended in Asia, people are 'taught' to think world affair is everyone's responsibility albeit difficult to fulfill and to place country above family and family above oneself through many historical stories. For example, sons leaving ill-health parents and going to war for the country for years, Son cut his thigh and cooked as food for sick and starving parent, Sha Yui, a public servant giving the task of curing the flooding of Yellow River, placed his responsibility to the government and public far above his own family; he had traveled passing his own home seven times over several years while trying to stop the floods but never entered even once to see his family. The Edwards must make a very difficult decision on their own. MWSearch would only offer the following comment to the public: Please respect the Edwards' decision and do not cast judgment based on the so called 'political correctness' uttered most by activists. In our observation, political correctness has often been incorrect even immoral in many issues viewed philosophically or religiously by the silent majority, There is no lack of controversial examples, global warming, abortion, gay marriage, Irag war, CEO pay, terminating life, stem research, etc etc. Recent articles:
Elizabeth Edwards’ Qualms John Edwards live Can Cancer Close The Gravitas Gap?
Medical Matters, Dr. Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader Launching MedicalMatters.ORG: MWSearch is lauding Dr. Frist's effort in launching a medical blog site,
www.medicalmatters.org. As the world's very first medical blog site, www.mwsearch.com, existed since 1995, we do understand the value of a medical site devoted to medical issues. We welcome Dr. Frist bringing his and his colleagues' perspectives on medical matters to the public in a direct and interactive manner. We urge our members to voice your political opinions on medical issues that concern you.
Dana Reeve: We all know Christopher Reeve's 'Angel' wife Dana who took care of Superman when he was paralyzed for nine years till his death on October 10, 2004. Dana, a devoted wife, a most caring person and advocate for disabled, is facing another battle and challenge of human illness, her own lung cancer. We are deeply saddened to hear this
announcement. We, admirer of her courage and caring love, pray that this Earth angel and honored Mother of the Year by American Cancer Society will get well soon.
The Manhattan Project for the 21st Century: Senator Bill Frist has delivered the title speech at the Harvard Medical School which MWSearch would like to share with our readers. Below are a few excerpts and a handful of the legislative priorities (which have the dual purpose of fighting both bioterrorism and natural pandemics). Senator Frist is committed to working with his colleagues in the 109th Congress to bolster America's preparedness against bioterrorism and infectious diseases. The full speech is linked following the excerpts: "No intelligence agency, no matter how astute, and no military, no matter how powerful and dedicated, can assure that a few technicians of middling skill using a few thousand dollars worth of readily available equipment in a small and apparently innocuous setting cannot mount a first-order biological attack ... Never have we had to fight such a battle, toprotect so many people against so many threats that are so silent and so lethal." "I propose an unprecedented effort -- a "Manhattan Project for the 21st Century" -- not with the goal of creating a destructive new weapon, but to defend against destruction wreaked by infectious disease and biological weapons ... I speak of action, without excuses, without exceptions; with the goal of protecting every American and the capabilityto help protect the people of the world." "For some years to come, this should be a chief work of the nation, for the good reason that failing to make it so could risk the life of the nation and other nations the world over."
The full speech in pdf file
New SAT Test and Medical Schools: Starting March 12, 2005, a new SAT test will be offered to high school students. The new test has three sections instead of two, hence the total score is 2400 versus 1600 previously. The changes are supposed to align the SAT to curriculum and instructional practices in high schools and colleges. The addition of a third measure, writing, will help colleges to make better admissions and will reinforce the importance of writing skills throughout a student's education and bolster their chances for academic success in college. Since most medical schools will accept this new SAT, perhaps we can expect more literal writing of medical records and better legible prescriptions from our future generation of doctors. The companies offering SAT tests preparation such as Kaplan (which also offers USMLE tests) will certainly stand to have a boon. (See
OSMart: Learning: Kaplan)
Presidential Statement on US Health Care: President Bush and Senator Kerry both want to provide adequate healthcare for people in USA, but they differ in philosophy, strategy and approach. Their statements on the healthcare issues have been discussed here in the MWSearch Voices. The discussion can serve as a reminder for President Bush and his staff in dealing with healthcare issues; hence
it is archived as an hyperlinked page.
Essays on Healthcare: 1.
Healthcare Reform 2. AARP on Healthcare Reform and Dr. William D. Novelli, CEO AARP, Address on Healthcare. 3. Dr. William H Frist's View on Healthcare (Requires subscription. You may write to Dr. Frist at the Senate to request a copy) 4. Presidential Statements on US Healthcare. 5. Public Opinion Survey on Healthcare Issue. 6. Overcoming Disparities in U.S. Health Care by Dr. Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, March 2005.
Mad Cow Disease: When Mad Cow Disease was discovered elsewhere: US has taken precautionary steps to protect the public. Now that we have discovered the Mad Cow disease in Washington State, are we acting rationally and fairly to protect the public? Are we influenced by the farm industry lobbying forces or even the Wall Street's voices over the stock market reactions? We suggest that don't read everything in print at its face value. Do some comparison and then take action if needed such as write to your congressman or the FDA. We list a few publications below, some controversial, for you to build up your knowledge on Mad Cow Disease.
Know Your Treatment Code: Health insurance and clinics use procedure codes to determine insurance coverage and reimbursements. For instance, CDT4 code system is used for dental. You would do yourself a big favor to be familiar with these codes. Both dental professionals and patients need to know the codes so you can get the maximum reimbursement benefits from health insurance benefits. Take a look of
Dr. Bunn's (dentist) web site where you get a good background information on dentistry and CDT4 codes. Also take a look at the UT Houston Dentistry procedure cost table which can serve as a reference. Of course not all procedures will be charged the same fee at different dental services, but the more you know the better for you, at least before you have a treatment.
Does Fat Tax Make Sense? Experts on obesity proposes we should tax consumers on consuming fatty foods. Some disagree. Some say we should tax TV-Watching instead since that is taking away people's exercises. One British headline on fat tax says: "Like fat creeping up on a person's thighs, a tax on junk food and soda would be little-noticed at first but have long-term impact." Dose it make sense?If Kyoto protocol induces New Zealand to propose tax on her 45M sheep and 10M cattle owners for their livestock's dung and urine which releases 40% of flatulence in New Zealand, perhaps the fat tax does make sense.
Stories for Patients and Doctors: Amye Leong, an internationally-recognized motivational speaker, is president of Healthy Motivation, a health education and advocacy consulting firm. Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 18 (along with Sjogren's syndrome and osteoporosis later) and wheelchair-bound within 8 years, Amye drew on her own personal advocacy skills and determination to rebuild her body and take control of her life. After 16 surgeries, including 12 joint replacements, she now travels the globe working with organizations and governments as spokesperson for the United Nations-endorsed Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010. She was honored at the White House by President G.W. Bush with the 2001 President's Service Award, the highest honor bestowed on an American for community service. The Arthritis Foundation named Amye Leong one of its America's Fifty Heroes and gave her its highest honor, the Harding Award. As a community hero, Ms Leong carried the Olympic torch for the 1996 Olympic Games. She was appointed advisor to the U.S. National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases and was chair of the U.S. Surgeon General's National Council on Self-Help and Public Health under C. Everett Koop. She developed coalitions and advocacy projects that, for example, resulted in Congressional proclamation of Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Week that today is an annual national Arthritis Foundation media and education event. Ms Leong, who founded the nation's first and largest network of young adults with arthritis, and developed the nation's first young adult arthritis education programs, continues to provide extensive peer counseling to those affected by arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, and their families. Her book, GET A GRIP: A Take Charge Approach to Living with Arthritis (Penguin Putnam, 2002), continues to receive wide acclaim.

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